The Fapocalypse 0.1.15 Pre-phase 2 release!

Hi everyone!

We're thrilled to announce the version 0.1.15 of The Fapocalypse! We are preparing for the stage 2. Get yourself ready.

Here's what's new:

- Room UI backend re-deseign
We made the images less buggy for a smoother gameplay and the click triggers more accurate.

- Backend Cleanmaxing
We made sure of cleaning everything unnecessary and we compacted a lot of code to prepare for the phase 2.

- Smoother Intro/Prologue
We've made the intro and prologue more intuitive by adding more hints all the way through.

- New Masturbation scenes!
We've added the masturbation scenes 13-16 so that you guys can enjoy letting out some virus even more.

- MAJOR bug fix
This time, when saying major, we mean hit specially! We decided to focus on fixing all the bugs that has been reported to us and make the game really enjoyable. This will help us for what's coming up with the phase 2.

See ya in the wastelands!

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